KIDZ Church | 4/19

CA KIDZ! Join Miss Kandace every Sunday on Facebook!

Mid-Week Minute | 4/15

Need mid-week encouragement? Feeling a bit lonely during this time?
Listen to Pastor John’s message:

Contagious Faith

“Go and make disciples”
Pastor Frank encourages us to share our faith. 

Easter Sunday

Jesus is alive! Join us on Facebook as we celebrate our risen Savior!
Click here or watch the video below: 

Palm Sunday

We wish we could be together today!
Join us over on Facebook for Communion and a word from Pastor Frank!

Mid-Week Minute | 4/1

Need some mid-week encouragement?
We miss seeing you in person, but join us on Facebook for Pastor John’s mid-week minute!
Click here or the video player below: 

KIDZ Church | 3/29

Your children don’t need to miss KIDZ Church anymore!
Watch Sunday’s lesson here or the video below:

Remain Joy-Filled

Struggling with joy?
Pastor Frank shares a word on how to stay joyFILLED no matter the circumstances.
Join us over on Facebook for church from home!
Click here or watch the link below:

Mid-Week Minute

Need a refresh? A word of encouragement?

Join us over on Facebook for a message from Pastor John!
Click here or the video link below!

Faith Response to Crisis

“The building is not the church, we are!”- Pastor Frank.
ICYMI: Our first online service is still on Facebook! Click here or press play on the video below to watch.
We’ll be live every Sunday at 10am.