We‘re glad that you have stopped by to learn what we’re all about. We believe that the primary 4 fold mission of the Church is to glorify God, edify and disciple believers, evangelize the world, and to be an enlightenment and restraining force in the world. If you were to ask us to describe ourselves in one sentence, we would say, “We’re here to help people throughout Greater Boston become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” We believe that there is only one true, eternal and living God (Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 44:6,8; 45:6) who is Spirit (John 4:24), creator of all things (Revelation 4:11), sovereign (Isaiah 46:9,10) holy (Revelation 4:8b), omnipotent (Psalm 115:3), omniscient (Psalm 147:5), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-17), immutable (Hebrews 13:8), immense (Jeremiah 23:24), immanent (Psalm 23:4a), and transcendent (Job 9:10), who is co-existent, co-equal, and co-eternal in the distinct Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.